Most of us probably hoped the New Year would bring a different reality, and yet here we are. What is your vision for 2021? Ours is to reflect on 2020 uncovering important lessons learned and questions that still need asking, and to go into 2021 with arms wide open, ready to embrace what is needed most- connection, curiosity and lots of compassion. We hope you will join us on this journey!
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For Administrators
One of your toughest jobs as as administrator is supporting a stressed out staff. Edutopia shared one principal’s approach to focusing on her team. One simple tip is to choose a few teachers a day to ask a few important questions:
- How are you doing...really?
- What do you need?
- How can I help?
Nothing tells someone they are important than being heard. Create a culture of dialogue and invite your team to come out of the shadows and ask for the support they need.

As your school’s leader, you probably ask yourself frequently, “What really matters?” (Us too!) We have recently found some inspiration in the Global Oneness Project! Check out this video reflecting on the lessons of 2020, Stories can be powerful, and learning about how we are more alike than different is more important than ever, and as easy as a few clicks.
We know social-emotional learning needs to take center stage as we continue to live and learn in uncertain times, but how can we support families on the front-line of this work? We at Inspired Instruction are excited to make this a priority for 2021! Check out this activity that positions asking hard questions as a game, giving parents access to their child’s emotional world.
Learn more about providing your families with the necessary training on supporting their child’s social emotional well-being, with our program, Connecting and Communicating with Your Child during Distance Learning.

For Teachers
Self-care is more important than ever! Make sure you check out Inspired Instruction’s Wellness Wednesdays where we feature brief activities, articles, and other tips and tricks that you can use immediately to help take care of YOU! How about starting with this Mindful Minutes playlist to help refocus.
Keeping with the theme of teacher self-care, how about involving your colleagues? Dr. Jane Nelsen and Dr. Kelly Gfroerer suggest that mutual support for self-care can make a world of difference in reducing stress and improving mood! Try out this activity at your next PLC or teacher meeting. Looking for another great PLC activity? Check out Inspired Instruction’s Reframing Challenges Reflection Worksheet!
School Spotlight - South 17th Street School, Newark Public Schools
South 17th Street School recently completed multiple workshops and work sessions on Best Practices to Teach the Math and ELA Standards during Blended Learning. While teachers enjoyed the new information they learned, they absolutely LOVED the work sessions as they were able to work with the consultant to create materials and design lessons using the strategies and resources that they learned about, such as a Conver-stations hyperdoc to make small group work more engaging and rigorous.
Could your staff benefit from virtual PD? Just email Michele.Regan@inpsiredinstruction.com to get started!
“This PD added not only to my math teaching practices but will definitely help me to keep students engaged during my lessons.”
- Math Teacher, South 17th Street School, Newark Public Schools
What’s Next?
We are helping teachers and administrators support rigorous teaching and increase student learning. As a strategic partner, we work with and alongside administrators to help identify areas to maximize impact. Contact us for a free Needs Assessment. Email Jaclyn.Siano@inspiredinstruction.com to schedule yours today!