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Our Most Popular Downloads of 2020
- Editable Activities for Virtual Learning: Three editable activities that are perfect for virtual or in person learning: a double-entry journal, a Me Plus Three activity, and a Questions for the Author activity.
- Emotion Vocabulary Do Nows (SEL) Worksheet: Through the incorporation of these SEL do nows, the teacher helps students learn how to verbalize their emotions.
- Harlem Renaissance Hyperdoc: Students will explore articles, videos and websites, and respond virtually to help them answer the question "How Does Literature from the Harlem Renaissance Make American Literature Unique?"
- Hyperdoc: Why Are Some People Treated Differently?: Uses multiple forms of media to help students explore racism.
- Mindfulness Cards Worksheet: Short mindfulness activity that can be done with students, and are meant to be introductory activities to breathing and/or visualization techniques.
- Planning for Virtual Walkthroughs and Observations Tool: Use this planning worksheet with your administrative team to prepare for virtual walkthroughs and observations.
- Podcast Reflection Worksheet: Help students reflect on a podcast by jotting down notes and answering questions about what they heard.
- SEL Exit Tickets Worksheet: Build relationships and SEL skills daily with these exit slips.
- Self-Reflection Exercise (Attitudes about Difference): At your next staff meeting, explore your experiences with attitudes about difference by having teachers answer these questions on their own.

- This workshop reminds you of how important it is to keep students engaged even in a virtual setting. -Teacher from West Deptford Middle School
- [This workshop] will help me to create lessons that help [my students] to learn the material at a higher level and help them develop learning skills(critical thinking, collaboration, etc.) that will help them as they progress through their education. -Teacher at Middlesex County Vocational School District
- A lot of great websites and tools were shared that I can't wait to try virtually to make things more interactive for my students. -Teacher from Irvington School District
- The activities presented allows me to see possibilities for my classrooms. As a result of this session I will be sharing with the adm team and coach and sharing websites with teachers and assisting them with strategically assigning tasks from the various websites shared. -Administrator at Newark Public Schools
- Several ideas were presented to support us during distance learning. I feel that I am more prepared to enter a distance learning environment "on the fly" if the need should arise. [Our consultant] is very knowledgeable, flexible, supportive, and responsive of us and the needs of our team. -Teacher from Phillipsburg Middle School
- The open conversations were positive and professional. I will use what I learned in my dealing with staff, parents and students. -Administrator at South Plainfield School District
Our Most Popular Workshops of 2020
Rigorous Instruction for Distance Learning

Representing All Students in the Curriculum: Approaching Race rand Equity in the Classroom

The Recognition of Bias and the Self-Reflection Process

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We are helping teachers and administrators support rigorous teaching and increase student learning. As a strategic partner, we work with and alongside administrators to help identify areas to maximize impact. Contact us for a free Needs Assessment. Email Jaclyn.Siano@inspiredinstruction.com to schedule yours today!