Webinar: Setting Students Up for Success on NJSLA-ELA

On February 23th at 3pm, join Odette Falone, as she breaks down the construct of the NJSLA-ELA and shares strategies and materials to help students perform their persona
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Join us to:

  • Unpack the assessment’s components 
  • Discover how to implement NJSLA instructional resources
  • Identify how to construct NJSLA-like items

Attend to receive time saving, standards-aligned resources!

  • All participants will receive a copy of our NJSLA-ELA EBSR Part A Sample Questions, a useful guide for modeling assessment items after those found on NJSLA and demystifying the construct for students.
  • Discover new resources and strategies to implement immediately and provide seamless standards-based instruction.
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Intended Audience

English/ELA Instructors
Instructional Coaches
Curriculum Specialists

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Webinar: Setting Students Up for Success on NJSLA-ELA

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