Grade 4 LAT Writing, Lesson 2: Modeling the Prose Constructed Response

In this lesson plan, students will learn how to construct a strong and effective prose response for the literary analysis task on the NJSLA. Through the use of modeling, students will examine the components of a well-written literary analysis, including a clear thesis statement, specific evidence from the text, and insightful analysis. By the end of the lesson, students will have a solid understanding of what is expected of them on the NJSLA and the tools to succeed in crafting a strong prose response.

Grade Band:
3rd-5th Grade
Content Type:
Lesson Plans

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Grade 4 LAT Writing, Lesson 2: Modeling the Prose Constructed Response

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Grade 4 LAT Writing, Lesson 2: Modeling the Prose Constructed Response


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Grade 4 LAT Writing, Lesson 2: Modeling the Prose Constructed Response


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Grade 4 LAT Writing, Lesson 2: Modeling the Prose Constructed Response


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Grade 4 LAT Writing, Lesson 2: Modeling the Prose Constructed Response


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Grade 4 LAT Writing, Lesson 2: Modeling the Prose Constructed Response




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